Osnovna moderna strategija u marketingu je zapošljavanje ljudi koji zadovoljavaju kriterijum DARC (šteta što je prevod nemoguć na srpski, odnosno, “Zapošljavanje ljudi iz mraka” zvuči intrigantno, ali u ovom slučaju neodrživo). Ostanimo, onda, u uobičajenim pozajmicama iz engleskog jezika.
DARC su, dakle, potencijalni i željeni saradnici koji su aktivni u socijalnim mrežama i imaju veliku viralnu pokretljivost.
D = Hire Digital Citizens
A = Hire for Analytical chops
R = Hire for Web Reach
C = Hire Content Creators
Kolegijum sa svojim saradnicima zauzima kriterijum C i sve češće kompanije prepoznaju značaj tekstualnog sadržaja u svom nastupu prema tržištu.
Česta dilema u konstataciji da je “pola budžeta za marketing bačeno u vetar”, može da baci svetlost na jednu polovinu: u 90% slučajeva će to biti (loš ili pogrešan) sadržaj.
Četiri E
Zanimljiv je i kriterijum “GE”(General Electirc) koji je razvio Džek Velš (Jack Wellsh) višegodišnji CEO te kompanije, koji je radio i na akviziciji talenata i analizi potencijala saradnika po četiri kriterijuma (G)”E”:
Energy—Individuals with energy love to “go, go, go.” These people possess boundless energy and get up every day ready to attack the job at hand. Highenergy people move at 95 miles-per-hour in a 55 mile-per-hour world.
Energizers—These people know how to spark others to perform. They outline a vision and get people to carry it out. Energizers know how to get others excited about a cause or crusade. They are selfless in giving others the credit when things go right, but are quick to accept responsibility when things go awry.
Edge—People with edge are competitive types. They know how to make the really difficult decisions, such as hiring, firing, and promoting, never allowing the degree of difficulty to stand in their way.
Execute—This is the key to the entire model. Without measurable results, the other “E’s” are of little use. Executers recognize that activity and productivity are not the same and are capable of converting energy and edge into action and results.
Više o ovome u knjizi: Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs
Možda “zapošljavanje ljudi kreativne energije?” (Ili je pravilno “sa kreativnom energijom?”)
Copywriting is also a skill that takes years of practice to become very effective in advertising what you are selling and `.*
copywriting is sometimes a hardwork and you need to work a lot for it *